Friday, December 26


Today, a cold faced little girl finally decided to put a moldy peice of bread called eggmcmunchkin to rest - and her cyber sandwich of rants, brain slush, unpoetry and all other wonderful things are now carefully buried [like all discarded pets] in the loose soil of the internet's grassy backyard - rightfully floating in the world wide web's version of limbo. For the sake of sentimentallity and memory, let us take this moment to recognize the eternal repose of the little girl's sandwich...

moment over.

And so she found herself in this new, pristinely sterile, wide open space - still hoping, as we all did in the presence of her now-dead sandwich, for something spectacular. Nobody really knows if this new niche could possibly be home for the girl and her spectacular show, but the commonly chickenshit little muchkin would politely like everyone to know that she's taking her chances. She touches the keys of her black keyboard gently as we speak... basking in the familiar feeling of having her instrument of choice in her hands.

Now we hold our breaths and close our eyes... as the wick burns and the clock ticks and the fire innocently cackles - hoping blatantly, recklessly, for the long delayed explosion to take place - and the sparks to finally fly.

What did she want? change. When did she want it? now.
And here we all are.